Unlock your loyalty with the G2 App. Earn points, redeem discounts, and win G2 products and exclusive partner experiences.
You can use your existing G2 Shop account to log-in into the G2 App!

Unique partner prizes

Access to live events

Players meet & greet

Members merch
Need more details?
The G2 App will always be free to download and use but you have an option to purchase the G2 App premium and unlock more benefits in the G2 ecosystem.


How to unlock
Be a G2 Fan
Buy Premium membership
30 min heads up on rosters/partners/collections Two Merch giveaways per month Notifications on latest partner and merch releases
10% discount on every order in the g2 store (online and offline) Access to limited edition merchandise Priority merch access- some G2 products will be available to only premium users 24 hours before the launch Influence merch decisions: 1-2 times per month you will decide on new product categories, colors, graphics, etc.
Points for event attendance
Double points for live events attendance Free live events rewards Free and discounted tickets to esports events in different titles
Partner giveaways Points collection for finishing quests G2 Keyboard access Partner discounts
Higher chances to win a raffle More points for each quest you finish Exclusive content access - 1 video per week Thank you: including top fans into content 1. Monthly Q/A quest where users add their twitter and questions for players Influence content formats- survey once per month on top formats you want to see from G2 next, or decisions about parts of the content formats